
Softened water all day every day.

The Minimax M2 Water Softener is designed to solve all your hard water problems

What is a water softener?

With a Minimax softener, your water will always be completely soft giving you a complete feeling of real luxury. Eliminate limescale and save up to 53% per month.

What are the benefits?

Removing limescale, reducing damage to your boiler and appliances, while experiencing softer hair and skin are just some of the benefits of a water softener.

Get a quote

Please call us on 0115 984 7342, email us or complete the form below

    Our Customers

    “We’ve had a Minimax for about a month now and we’re wondering why we didn’t get one years ago. With the water being scale-free, faucets, taps and sinks get shiny with just a wipe and no cleaning detergent…”